America’s New Birth

In a friend’s vision, John Knox was standing behind me holding up the number 313. Urged by Holy Spirit to look up the number in Strong’s concordance, he found it to be the Greek word for “new birth” or “new beginning.” He then was led to look up the date of the 313th day of the year. It was November 8, 2016, America’s election day!  Our interpretation was: in answer to the prayers of the Church, a great awakening and reformation (a “new birth”) will begin for America on November 8. Amazing.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Ask the Lord to stir up the gifts in your life—dreams, visions, and the interpretations of them. We need these gifts to help us, the Ekklesia, know how to move forward.
  • When you receive a dream or vision, ask Him how to interpret it. Don’t assume you know what it means and don’t use typology to interpret. Like Daniel, inquire of the Lord for the interpretation.
  • Thank the Lord and celebrate that we are in a season of new birth! Suddenly!
  • Pray seriously for the season of transition from Election Day, November 8, to Inauguration Day, January 20th. Transition is a dangerous time in a natural, as well as in a spiritual birth.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I want to dream dreams and see visions that help the Body of Christ to move forward. Please also give me the ability to interpret the dreams and visions I have. Help me know who to share them with and when to share them, so that You can be glorified. Thank you for this dream that Dutch’s friend had. I can see that we are in a very special season of transition in this nation. We are surely in a new birth process! Things are a bit chaotic, but You are answering many years of intercession, suddenly! Keep me in prayer through this season and show me exactly how to intercede until awakening and reformation are in full force. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

God is birthing a new thing in America and He wants us to understand this and participate!