The Season of Reaping Is Coming

I have been speaking to you these last few days about standing strong and not giving up. We CANNOT give up. The stakes are far too high. This past Monday, December 14th, the Electoral College met state by state so the electors could cast their votes. While some states do not “bind” their electors to the vote of the people, it is very rare that the electors do not honor that vote. We expected that Biden would be declared the winner of the Electoral College by the certification of the votes cast in each state. That is, indeed, what occurred. 

However, in a move rarer than the casting of unbound electoral votes, Republican electors gathered in 7 states – MI, WI, PA, GA, NV, AZ, and NM – to cast additional electoral votes for their states. These are called “dueling electors”. These are the states where fraud appears evident or where significant legal cases challenging the election results are still outstanding. Their thinking is that these issues could still swing the vote back to President Trump once the processes are complete. Therefore, by the time the U. S. Congress meets in a joint session to certify the Electoral College votes on January 6, 2021, these alternative votes counted for their states can be given to President Trump instead of the current electoral votes for Joe Biden. This is not without precedent. It was done in Hawaii in the year Kennedy and Nixon ran for president. It was taking longer than usual to count the votes, so both parties sent electoral votes to Congress. By the time Congress met, the count showed Kennedy was the winner for the state. You can read the historical account here. This is simply a plan that gives time for more resolutions. By the way, Vice President Mike Pence will preside over that electoral vote procedure and count on January 6, 2021.

Let’s look at a few additional new updates:

  • A bombshell forensic audit report was released Monday showing that without a doubt the Dominion tabulators used in Antrim County, MI, were “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.” The full audit results showed a number of issues, including missing server logs and data tampering. You can read the entire report and see the audit’s count results here. It’s pretty shocking and shows exactly how this election could have easily been stolen. And remember that this machine was used in 28 states. This audit could affect more than just the contested states’ results.
  • The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society is filing appeals in AZ, GA, MI, PA, and WI in response to the Antrim County Dominion machine audit. Those states also used the Dominion machines and related software in the 2020 elections. The suits will ask for the preservation of evidence, to keep it “from being destroyed or spoiled by the intentional or reckless acts of executive officials.” States will be asked to conduct mandatory audits of their Dominion machines. Read more here.
  • Also on Monday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued 2 rulings. President Trump won one of them, which the media is not talking about. The court ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was not a valid reason to waive a requirement for identification in order to receive absentee ballots. The only reason this requirement can be waived in Wisconsin is if a person is confined to their home with illness or disability and therefore unable to go to a polling place and vote. Officials in Wisconsin illegally included Covid as a reason. The court agreed that Wisconsin law was not legislatively changed for this election, as is required. Therefore, all absentee ballots are invalid where the voter falsely claimed they were indefinitely contained, or where they did not provide ID to obtain an absentee ballot. It is unknown at this time how many votes this ruling will affect.
  • Finally, at least for today, Georgia has agreed to audit the signatures on absentee ballots in Cobb County, near Atlanta. The state decided this was necessary to “restore confidence” in their election processes, as early voting begins in the runoff election for 2 U.S. Senate seats. It was also stated that the results will not affect the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. We shall see.

We see evidence of dishonesty and corruption, causing us great anger and frustration. And due to the delays and length of the battle, some have thrown in the towel. A well-known evangelical leader did so yesterday. We must understand in this situation, however, that God has reasons for delay. One of them is probably to expose everything that must be exposed. All of the players and all of the tactics are not yet out in the open. Our job is to stand firm and intercede in obedience to Him. We know that God is at work, and we must not stop until He does. As I stated today at the beginning of this post, the stakes are far too high to quit now.

“And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you planted is coming!” (Galatians 6:9 TPT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Put your entire trust in the Lord over the election results. Remove any wavering. Stand firm!
  • Ask God how you can partner with Him to achieve His perfect outcome for these elections, such as making your leaders in Congress aware of your feelings, sowing into legal battles, etc. 
  • Thank Him for the “dueling electors” who have bravely gathered and cast votes from their states that are contested.
  • This election process is slow, but it is revealing corruption. Call out corruption at every level of government!
  • Declare over every lawsuit surrounding the 2020 election results – that they will progress quickly, without hindrance, to a solid resolution.
  • Proclaim that all of the secrets of the Dominion voting tabulators will be revealed!
  • Thank the Lord in advance for granting our requests. 

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we have placed all our trust in You. We know that You see the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). You know the outcome, and how to get there. We position ourselves before You in a place of obedience. Show us what to pray/decree and we will open our mouths and do so. Tell us what action to take and we will do it. We are Your servants. You have filled us with Your fire and we will not stop praying until You finish this process.

We are Your Ekklesia, Your governmental authority, in this nation. We take authority over every stronghold of corruption in America. We command all corruption to come out from the places it has hidden. We say it is overthrown now. Where evil powers have thought they had dominion, we say, “God has all dominion!” 

Lord, we pray over each of the situations above. We declare, “They will be resolved as You have decided they will be resolved. Every lawsuit that could affect the election results will be heard in a timely manner. Every electoral vote will be counted properly for the actual winner of the 2020 presidential election.” We ask You for Your overriding hand, Your influence to be great in the Georgia Senate run-off elections!

We ask You for further audits of Dominion voting machines and that the truth about them will be fully uncovered – who, how, where – everything. We ask for truth to be fully revealed. Lord, even if it means we must go back to square one and vote all over again in up to 28 states, we will not accept a corrupt vote! We declare that the voting will be done legally or there will be another alternative to determine the outcome. Thank You for hearing us and granting us favor. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

This election is about honoring the destiny God has for America, and we will accept no untrue result that interferes with this!