The Fullness of Christ

The Church has now come to a place that we have not been in for many centuries. Maybe for 1900 years. We now have the ability, the potential, to represent Christ fully. We did not have that potential before when we were not moving in all five of these anointings – apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. The change is going to be very, very dramatic. Now, we can do the works that Jesus did, and greater works, because the fullness of His anointings are now flowing through the Body of Christ in the earth. What does that look like? It probably looks like all the signs and wonders we’ve been prophesying about for the last 10 years. We’re going to do what He did. We can now do what He did!

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” (Romans 8:19; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

• Holy Spirit likes to work within a cluster of individuals. God loves unity! Cry out for the five-fold to start to come together in churches of all denominations all across this land!
• Intercede for the manifestation of the gifts to flow, revealing Jesus to the lost.
• Intercede for the coming to pass of prophetic words spoken over the last twenty years about our nation and God’s Kingdom transformation.
• Intercede for the five-fold teams to find solutions to problems in cities and regions. Some of these are systemic poverty, homelessness, violence, sex-trafficking, the opiod crisis, and many other social justice issues.
• Call for the righteous social justice movement to begin – God’s people receiving God-solutions birthed in prayer rooms among unified five-fold ministers seeking Him. City and regional leaders will work together and shut false, humanistic ideas out!

A prayer you can pray:

Holy Spirit, how You love to work with the cluster! How You love it when the saints are one, even as You and Jesus and the Father are One. Lord, cause our five-fold-gifted leaders to be drawn to one another like magnets. It is time! Cities will change and regions won’t have a chance but to give way to Your five-fold movement. Societal issues we have interceded over for decades will now see miraculous solutions delivered from heaven to the saints. We will shut out the ungodly, humanistic social justice answers that leave us empty and worse off than before. God-answers will flow from the new social justice move of God and America will never be the same! (Pray for some of the issues listed above that afflict your city and region.) Praise to your holy name, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

Five-fold answers to societal issues are being downloaded for our cities and regions!