The Turn-Around

God gave Apostle Chuck Pierce a Word in May of this year that there would 10 months of turmoil and then there would be three years of breakthrough. I believe that this is true. I’m calling it “The Turn-around”. There will be three years of a turn-around in which we can see the destiny of a nation recaptured. Then, God will accomplish through this nation what He wants and needs to do. This is why we are gathering February 22nd through the 24th in Washington, D.C. God gave Cindy Jacobs a Word to count 10 months from the time Chuck gave his Word and it was February 22, 2018, She said, “You must go to Washington, D.C., on 2/22/18 and relaunch the Appeal to Heaven movement. It will be the relaunching of the world-wide prayer movement. It will be the birthing of the three-year turn-around that Chuck prophesied. So, we are going to Washington, D.C., on 2/22/18. (For more information, click here.)

“The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut, and no one shall open.” (Isaiah 22:22; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Awakening has begun, but is not yet in full swing! Press in and ask God for the fullness of this next outpouring!
  • Thank the Lord for His prophetic voices. Pray for the prophets you know.
  • Ask God to sharpen the prophetic voices. Pray that the fear of the Lord and their friendship with Him will bring a new level of accuracy to their gift.
  • Pray everything you can think to pray for “The Turn-around” event in Washington, D.C., February 22-24, 2018.
  • Make plans to join us at The Turn-around, if possible. Come and pray for America and the Third Great Awakening outpouring.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we are contending to see a Third Great Awakening in America. We need more intercessors fired up to believe for this. We need passionate, persistent intercession. Thank you for Dutch, Cindy, Chuck, and other prophetic voices that keep Your plans in front of us. We believe them. Grant them, and other prophets I know, a grace gift for even more specific and sharp prophetic accuracy. (Pray everything you can think to pray for “The Turn-around” event in Washington, D.C., February 22-24, 2018.) Make a way for us to be able to be at this historic event for the shifting of America, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the doors to the Great Awakening in America will be opened wider by the intercession of the saints gathered for “The Turn-around” event February 22, 2018!