Insisting on Tragedy – What Are You Thinking?

Has anyone besides me noticed that there are Christians out there – including Bible-believing, Spirit-filled Believers – who are determined that something terrible is going to happen in this nation? I see Christian writers talking about how the protests are going to flare into national anarchy. I see social media posts filled with fear and doom. I have said it before and I will reiterate it here, “Who is your God?!” My God wins! My God wants to step in and undo the works and plans of the enemy. My God is a victorious conqueror that I can count on when I partner with Him in prayer! You can count on Him! Now, get on your knees and pray!

“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8b; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Stating truth is not a problem. Determining that there’s nothing that can be done in prayer is. Repent if your faith is lacking.
  • Declare the scripture above three times with passion. Believe it?
  • Commit to filter everything you hear about danger to America through the filter of Who God is and how committed He is to this nation.
  • Defuse violence with your scriptural decrees. Command circumstances to line up with God’s perfect plan and purposes for the United States. Proclaim God’s goodness and mercy to this land.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, forgive me when I have gotten sucked into circumstances and forgotten who You are. Forgive me when I let my emotions run away from me and start to believe there are things that You cannot alter or interrupt. Thank you for correcting my thinking today. Of course, You can! (Read the scripture above 3 times with passion.) I will do my best to look at everything I see with eyes on what You can do to change it. Holy Spirit, speak Your will to me and Your decrees to me. Let’s defuse potential violence. Let’s speak peace to storms. Let’s partner in Kingdom-advancing activities, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Son of God came to destroy every work of the devil and He will do so in my America!