Praying in Unity is Coming!
“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” (Philippians 2:2; NASB)
When we look around America today, we know that we are in a crisis; we’ve reached a tipping point. In the last election, many Christians got out and voted; however, many spiritual leaders across this nation have been saying one thing: “We’re concerned the church has gone back to sleep.” I know some of you have a similar concern in your heart.
The midterm elections are coming up. The Christian turnout for these elections will reveal whether we are truly going to be able to turn the nation and fully establish cords of righteousness, or if we’re going to slide backwards.
I want to encourage you. If you believe that abortion is wrong, if you believe that the blood of 60,000,000 aborted babies is crying out from the ground of the United States, and if you knew that turning the tide of a nation was within our grasp, even by one vote – would you vote? Would you pray?
I’m asking you to do both—pray and vote. Pray and act. I’m asking you to join us, as we prayer walk America, as we cry out for the nation. We know that God wants to do extraordinary things through our prayers. If we will pray, God will act.
We have developed this very important website called “Pray in Unity.” Here, you can sign up to adopt your block in prayer. You will also find a daily devotion covering all kinds of topics related to the midterm election. In addition, you can sign up to receive a weekly email containing the prayer devotions for each week.
Also, beginning 9/28 through 11/6, Give Him 15 will post the daily devotionals, together with many other national prayer ministries.
It’s a 40-day season, beginning September 28 and continuing through Election Day, November 6. You can also visit many of the supporting organizations’ websites that are listed for additional national prayer resources. You will be praying in unity with thousands of different intercessors from across America, connecting with a coalition of prayer leaders that are standing together, and saying, “We are concerned about America.”
Would you join us? Pray in Unity. Go to the blue button that says, “Sign Up.” We’d love for you to participate. Let’s turn the tide!