Election Day

November 8, 2016, is a pivotal day in American history and clearly represents a national “time of need” for mercy & grace! It was a privilege to be on the recent “Retrace The Covenant” Prayer Team, visiting 7 cities in 7 days. As we entered Faneuil Hall in Boston, it was apparent we had stepped into a place where, at a previous pivotal moment in the American story, those present faced a “time of need” for Divine help, mercy and grace. It was in Faneuil Hall that the first rumblings of the American Revolution were felt. Faneuil Hall is known as the Cradle of Liberty. When the team entered the Hall, we were arrested with the sense that we were connecting with history, while reaching forward into America’s future, and releasing words of hope, grace and mercy. It’s clear those that were there in the 1700’s were people of unprecedented courage and confidence. It is now our turn to stand on the stage of the American story at a pivotal moment, and to do so with unprecedented courage and confidence! As ambassadors of The King, as guardians over the garden we call The United States of America, and as the courageous, confidence-filled, Church of Jesus Christ, we say “America’s best days are ahead of her!” (Hope Taylor)

“Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we might find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Thank the Lord for those who had the boldness to stand up against tyranny in a different age, who asked God for Divine help and mercy and then took action to birth our nation.
  • Ask God to raise up and strengthen a new generation of nation-builders—His people who will pray and act beyond today, election day, to rebuild America from the inside out.
  • Pray that the Ekklesia will legislate with their vote today!
  • Intercede with passion for the America you believe is God’s desire. Let the Word of God lead you.
  • Pray for the people of God, the Ekklesia, the Church, to be everything we should be in this hour—Holy Spirit-filled expanders of the Kingdom of God in America and to the ends of earth.

A prayer you can pray:

Father we thank you for our founding fathers, many of whom knew You and served You. We thank You for their holy boldness, who in confidence and grace, rejected the tyranny of Britain and chose to establish a nation that would look to You for guidance and direction, and honor You and Your Word. Let this be a generation of Believers like that one. May we be bold and courageous and stand against the enemy’s plans to secularize America. Let us vote in unprecedented numbers, may we pray like never before, and may we walk out our future as a people who are involved in the affairs of men, expanding Your Kingdom in this nation wherever we go! Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Church in America is courageous, confident and brave, and we believe America’s best days are ahead of her!

Learn more about Hope Taylor here.