Rescuing the Perishing

God is going to rescue some kids who think He doesn’t love them or want them. He’s going to say to them, “David had already reached his full destiny when he had his affair with Bathsheba and had her husband killed, but I rescued him. Yes, there was a reaping from what he had sowed. Yes, there was pain. But, yes, I restored him and I called My son the son of David. I called him the man after My own heart. I wrote in my book that he fulfilled my purpose for him in his generation.”

“Look on me with a heart of mercy, O God, according to Your generous love. According to Your great compassion, wipe out every consequence of my shameful crimes. Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new.” (Psalm 51: 1-2,10; The Voice)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Worship Him for He is able to forgive us our sin, make us completely new and only ever see us as that new creation!
  • Pray for those young people you know who desperately need to know this God who so deeply loves them! Take your time and pray for each and every one you can think of. Pray that they will know how good it feels to be completely clean in His sight.
  • Pray for every prodigal you know that was raised in church and has wandered away from God. Maybe they feel like they have aborted their destinies. Let Psalm 51, written by David after his affair with Bathsheba, be your prayer for them. Nothing can separate them from His love—nothing!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I worship You. I worship You for the deep, deep love You have for us. You truly make all things new. You are able to touch the hearts of our kids and help them know that You have set a plan in motion through the cross of Christ to forgive their sins so completely that it is as if they had never sinned. What love! I call back the wandering ones, Lord, that may feel they have wandered too far away from You. Never! I proclaim that their destinies are secure in You! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

The Father loves His sons and daughters with an everlasting love that nothing can get in the way of! Their destinies are secure!