Government Must Be Engaged
[Mike and Cindy Jacobs recently had a discussion with Chuck Pierce on their Prophetic Dateline program. They were talking about God and government in the current environment.]
Mike and I are in relationship with a number of Christian constitutional attorneys in the nation. Some of them are filing cases on behalf of churches that want to meet. These churches are willing to follow all the government COVID-19 guidelines so they can worship together. However, their state and local leaderships are preventing them. They seem to be treated differently from secular businesses and organizations. Since that’s violating their First Amendment rights, this is a situation these churches feel they need to push back on. I told them prophetically that I believe we are going to need to engage in civil disobedience over this. I am wondering if we are ready for it.
I think all this is rooted in the Church failing to steward government. The Bible says clearly, “The government shall be upon His shoulders.” The government is to be on the shoulders of the Lord and that happens when Believers engage in government. In our nation’s more recent history, we have been remiss in that. Some Christians have felt like we should stay out of the political arena. We haven’t voted in every election. We haven’t run for office. So, we have given the governmental realm over to the enemy by our inaction. We gave the enemy an advantage. So now, we see Satan using government to thwart our ability to release the revelation that God has given. He is trying to work through state and local government to shut us down and shut us up.
Yeshua said, “Seek ye the Kingdom first and everything else will be added to you.” I think we have put government before God. We haven’t understood that God is government. We have been putting a civil structure up in our hearts ahead of God’s government and that will have spiritual repercussions. I see God dealing with the Church, especially leaders in the Church over this.
However, He does want our voice to be heard. He wants us to take a stand. It is not a time to be silent and cowered down, fearful to gather together and worship God. And truly, we haven’t been completely silent. Many Believers have been co-laboring together online. We have been moving forward in unity and getting our message out. We cannot be silent. We have to do our best.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isaiah 9:6-7; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Read Isaiah 9:6-7 above out loud and worship Jesus for Who He is. He is worthy of our worship!
- Acknowledge in prayer that You know He is government and the source of all government on the earth.
- Pray for your city’s and state’s governing authorities, especially where you see them limiting or attempting to limit the activities of the Church.
- Repent, especially if you are a church leader, for not engaging in the public square. Plan to change your ways. Some of the ways you can do this are by providing nonpartisan voter guides and voter registration information to your congregants. You should be voting yourself. Do not be afraid to run for office at any level. God equips whom He calls.
- Repent if you are too engaged in civil government—to the point you allow it to rule your heart and emotions. A desire to seek God about government matters and to engage the enemy spiritually first is a good barometer of what is ruling you.
- Determine to never be silent, but to always share His love with others and expand His kingdom. Intercede for the whole Body of Christ in this.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, as I read Isaiah 9:6-7 today, bring fresh revelation into my heart of all that Jesus is. I love You, Jesus! I acknowledge that You are government and You are on the throne of my heart. Earthly government was established by You and its authority comes from You. Help me not to relinquish the authority I have in choosing righteous governing authorities. I must pray and I must vote, because I will have to live under the decisions the voters make. If you want me to run for office, I will do that, as well, knowing You are with Me.
I pray today for those that govern me. [Pray for your city and state government leaders. Look them up on the web, if you are not sure who they are.] Forgive me when I have failed to do so in the past. Show me how to join other Believers in engaging in government in such a way that we begin to steward it well. We can vote, but we can also form relationships with our leaders. We can offer to pray for them and support them. We can even challenge them if need be. But keep my heart from becoming so involved that my heart looks to man for freedom. Don’t let my emotions get the better of me. At that point, I am good for nothing. I will not remain silent as long as the message of life in Christ Jesus, the message of Your Kingdom, resides in me. As long as I have breath, I will exalt You, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Government will not silence Christ’s Church!