Retracing the Covenant – Philadelphia

In Philadelphia, we prayed at the Liberty Bell; Carpenters Hall, where the first Continental Congress met; Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was decreed and the second Continental Congress met; and at the original Supreme Court. In these birth places, we reconnected to the root of righteous government and true justice. We also went to Penn Treaty Park where William Penn entered into covenant with Native Americans, a covenant that was never broken, and established the pattern for racial harmony and covenantal faithfulness in our land. This was one of the highlights of our journey, and where we felt that we fully tapped into God’s mercy over America.

“He said, ‘O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no god like You in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing lovingkindness to Your servants who walk with You with all their hearts.’” (2 Chronicles 6:14; KJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Declare 2 Chronicles 6:14 back to the Lord as a prayer of Thanksgiving.
  • Thank the Lord for preserving the true history of this nation, and that men sought Him and established our government out of relationship with Him.
  • Pray for President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence and other new national leaders. Pray protection over them. Pray that they will humble themselves and seek God for direction on how to turn back some of the decisions of the last few years that are not pleasing to God.
  • Ask the Lord to heal racial divides in America, so that we can all move forward together as one. We need the mantle of William Penn to fall on this nation and especially on the Church.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, God of Israel, there is no god like You in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing kindness to Your servants who walk with You with all their hearts. We thank You that You keep the covenants You make and You are keeping Your side of the covenants we made with You in our early years as a nation. This gives us so much hope for the future of the United States! We thank You that You have granted us mercy and a second chance to honor You as a nation. Grace President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence and other new national leaders with an ability to humble themselves, pray and seek Your face for direction before taking action. Give them wisdom and Your strategies to turn back the enemy at the gate and reverse some of the ungodly legislation that we have recently instituted. And, please work a miracle and heal the racial divide in America. We want to be one, even as You are One—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The covenants made, government formed and interracial relationships developed at the foundation of our nation will be our future when we humble ourselves and pray, as God is upholding His side of the covenant eternally!