Appeal to Heaven 2.0
I haven’t really done anything with the Appeal to Heaven message since last year. That was a very important message for the nation. There are probably 10,000 Appeal to Heaven flags out there across the nation. I have a friend who took a flag to the North Pole. He just took one to the South Pole. It’s just everywhere! I was asking the Lord if He wants me to do anything more with that message. In answer, He gave a friend a dream. In the dream was a ship and the sails were Appeal to Heaven flags. There were five of them. On the bottom of each flag was 2020. On the back if the ship was DSM (Dutch Sheets Ministries.) He said, “The Lord is bringing another wind on the Appeal to Heaven message and you’ll have to steward it until at least 2020.”
“Lord, I have heard the report about you. Lord, I fear your work. In the course of the years, renew it. In the course of the years, reveal it. In all this chaos, remember to be merciful.” (Habakkuk 3:2; GWT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Thank the Lord for the fresh wind in the sails of the Appeal to Heaven message.
- Appeal to heaven for the restoration of the godly governmental roots this nation was founded on.
- Appeal to heaven for righteousness in government.
- Appeal to heaven for reversals of ungodly, unrighteous laws and actions that the three branches of government have instituted over the years.
- Commit to appeal o heaven on behalf of this nation on a daily basis. Let GiveHim15 help you. Tell your friends about the app on iPhone AppStore and Android PlayStore.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I thank you for the fresh wind on the Appeal to Heaven message. I ask You to restore the heart of the governmental foundation You gave this nation via our U.S. Constitution. It was given after much humble prayer. Restore righteousness n government in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of our government. Reverse the laws that men instituted out of their own thoughts of what might be right for the people of the United States. Forgive them when they passed laws that turned us away from You. Restore, Lord! I will intercede daily, as often as I remember to, for this land I love! Thank you for apps, like GiveHim15 that help me with this. In the loving name of Jesus, amen.
Today’s decree:
The Appeal to Heaven message is about to receive a new wind to blow it afresh across America!