A Place of Wholeness

When the ark got to Jerusalem, it brought a wholeness, a healing. David wanted it in Jerusalem. Jerusalem means “city of wholeness”.  It doesn’t just mean “peace”, it means “wholeness”. There is a completion that comes when the ark is there. David said, “My journey will not be complete, just because I’m on the throne of Israel. My journey will not be complete until there’s a tent set up next door and the ark of His Presence is there. I want to go over there on a daily basis and crawl under that ark and just sit there in His Presence. In fact, I’m going to have full-time worshippers and full-time instruments and the worship of YHWH around the ark is never going to stop.”

“Sing, all you who remain faithful! Pour out your hearts to the Eternal with praise and melodies; let grateful music fill the air and bless His name. His wrath, you see, is fleeting, but His grace lasts a lifetime. The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.” (Psalm 30:4-5; VOICE)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Ask God to bring wholeness into your life. Tell Him where you know the lack is.
  • Ask Him for a greater measure of His Presence, the ark, in your life. Let Him tell you where there is lack you are not aware of. Let His Presence wash over you, healing you.
  • Worship Him. If you have an instrument, bring it out and use it for worship. If you write, write something praising Him.
  • Tell someone what He has done – this is your testimony. By the many testimonies we express, He will draw our nation to Him.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, bring Your shalom, Your peace, Your wholeness, into my life. I am lacking (tell Him what you need here – finances, health, mental peace, etc.) I want a greater measure of Your Presence in my life. I must have more of you! Show me where You know I am lacking and provide the grace I need to receive wholeness in this area. Wash over me, Holy Spirit. I will worship You, in song, with instruments, with words, with my pen. I will tell others about the wonderful things You have done and are doing in my life! I will tell them how You heal as we invite Your Presence into our hearts. Heal my nation one heart at a time. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree the shalom, grace, peace, and wholeness of God, is being bestowed in this season on this nation, a Believer at a time.