Retracing the Covenant – Washington, D.C.

In Washington, D.C., we visited the White House, the Supreme Court and the Capitol. Interestingly, what Holy Spirit led us to decree there was that these places were not “the root” of our government, and therefore, do not have the right to determine what “the fruit” looks like. We called our government back to its original and righteous roots, broke rebellion to God off it and called forth godly leaders. We also decreed at the White House that neither Jezebel, nor any other principality, would ever rule in the Oval Office. This Retracing Our Covenant Roots Tour was certainly one of the most significant and historic prayer assignments I’ve ever received and fulfilled. We fulfilled our assignment and heaven was pleased.

“So God set another day. That day is today. Many years after [your ancestors failed to enter that place of rest] God spoke about it through David in the passage already quoted: “If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn.” (Hebrews 4:7; GWT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Declare that the White House, the Supreme Court and the Capitol building are not the “root” of our government, therefore, they cannot dictate the “fruit” of our government. Call the nation back to its righteous roots!
  • Call forth godly leaders and pray that those recently elected will humbly seek the Lord for direction for how this nation should move forward.
  • Just as the angel of the Lord was posted outside the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword to keep the fallen from returning, proclaim that the Sword of the Lord is against Jezebel and every other principality that would seek to worm its way into or back into this administration.
  • Take advantage of today, while it is “today” and ask the Lord for your next prayer assignment and ask Him to help you fulfill every bit of it!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we declare that the White House, the Supreme Court and the Capitol building are not the “root” of our government, therefore they will not determine the “fruit” that comes forth. We call the United States of America back to its true righteous roots! We call forth godly leaders, such as we had at the beginning. We ask that our recently elected leaders will humble themselves and seek You for the direction You would like this nation to go in. We ask You to post angels with flaming swords to seal our government off from Jezebel and other principalities that would seek to find a foothold in our current administration. We want to know what You would have us to do “TODAY” to reinforce Your victory and expand Your kingdom in America right now while we have this unique opportunity. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

We will pray and act to establish righteous roots governmentally in the United States TODAY!