Isaiah 45

President-Elect Donald J. Trump will be the nation’s 45th President. I feel Isaiah 45 is fitting to pray through as we begin the process of seating this 45th President. God has been merciful to us. Darkness is being revealed and I think we should pray that light will shine into that darkness, illuminating the path forward for this new administration. The Ekklesia will see its way forward in this year, as well, and I believe many surprise blessings await those in the Body of Christ.

“I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:6b-7; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Get out your Bible, go to Isaiah 45 and walk through it in prayer.
  • Pray for President-elect Trump using verses in this chapter. Pray that God will take his hand and lead Him. Pray Mr. Trump will humble himself, seek the Lord and allow the Lord to lead him. Pray that he will understand his great need of God, acknowledge Him alone as God and lean heavily on Him.
  • Using vs. 8, ask the Lord for that Third Great Awakening He has promised. Thank Him for a new day of freedom of religion in the nation. Thank Him for a new level of boldness to share the Gospel in America. Pray that righteousness would begin to flow like a river through the land as many hearts are changed by the gospel message.
  • Pray that God teaches him about the importance of our nation’s friendship with Israel. Pray vs. 15-17 for Israel.
  • Verses 20-21 speak of the nations coming to our shores. Thank the Lord that they will come to receive Christ. Pray that they will come to lay down their idols. Pray that they will come to know the One true and Only God! Ask the Lord for a wise immigration plan that is an economic blessing to America and to the immigrant, while being safe for the nation, as well.
  • Worship Him!

A prayer you can pray:

Holy Spirit, show me Your treasures in Isaiah 45 for this season of America’s history. I pray for President-elect Donald Trump. I ask you to take him by the hand and lead him as he leads this great nation. Help him to be humble and to know he needs You. Then, give him everything he needs to lead with righteousness and wisdom. Father, I believe we are entering a new era of freedom to share the Gospel in America. Embolden the Church with a spirit of evangelism and manifest the Third Great Awakening, Lord! Holy Spirit pour out rivers of salvation! Bring the nations to our shores, so they might lay down their false idols and turn from their other gods and serve You alone, Jesus! We pray verses 15-17 and ask that Donald Trump would have a revelation of the need of a deep friendship with Israel. May we be blessed, as we bless Israel nation to nation. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

Today’s decree:

God has caused a miracle to occur in the election of Donald J. Trump in order to position this nation for a Great Awakening, to get us back on track with our nation’s destiny, and to turn hearts back to Him!