Mercy Received

As I prayed during this election cycle, I experienced more sovereign intervention (bringing both assignments and confirmations) than I have received during any other election. Angelic visitations, dreams, prophetic words, strategies, and Holy Spirit-inspired prayers gave me much confidence that God was willing to give us mercy, not judgment. In spite of these occurrences, however, Election Day was difficult. As I interceded and stood in faith, trusting that others and I had not “missed it” in our interpretations and assertions, it was emotional. My hope deferred was so great in ’08 that I had to fight off the memories and accompanying fear all day. As the results came in, I wept, knowing that mercy had, indeed, triumphed over judgment.

“No mercy will be shown to those who show no mercy to others. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13 GWT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Worship God! Where this nation was deserving of judgement, due to our corporate sin and iniquity, God has sent us mercy, instead.
  • Ask the Lord to break fear and hope-deferred off the Body of Christ from previous election cycles.
  • Ask the Lord to break fear and hope-deferred off people who feel disappointment from this election cycle. Pray that those who do not know Christ as Savior would be introduced to Him and can find hope in Him and rest for their souls.
  • Pray John 17:21 over the nation as Jesus prayed, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I worship You! I praise Your Holy Name! America surely deserved judgement, but You have chosen to hear the intercession of Your people and grant us mercy and one more opportunity to get our governance right! We are so grateful, Father. Please completely break fear and hope-deferred off of the Body of Christ. We should be confident in You, but the enemy has hit us hard in the past and caused us to reel. You are restoring, Father, but there are those in the nation now who are reacting just like we did in 2008. They now feel afraid and disenfranchised. Since we’ve been through this before, we lovingly pray for them that You would quickly heal their hearts, so we can rejoice together at the healing of our nation! Stir us to introduce many to Jesus, so they can find true peace and rest for their souls. Make us one, Father, even as You and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God has given America mercy instead of the judgement we deserved.