We Carry God’s Authority in the Nation
I feel that the Body of Christ needs a Word right now to encourage and reinvigorate them to pray for our president and for the nation. There is weariness, but there is also a bit of confusion. There are a lot of negative things being said that cause us to question whether what we believe is true or not. So much of this is happening in the political realm. So, here is an important thing to understand—politics and government are separate. They are not synonyms. God is all about government. He is government. We need to be involved in government and governing. We must distinguish between politics and government or we may begin to become cynical of something that is who He is.
God is government. He is Lord. He is King. He is Judge. He is Lawgiver. He is government! Government is one of the ways God accesses the earth. God works through authority that He delegates to us. For example, He doesn’t go around me to deal with issues in my home. He delegated that authority to me and to my wife. We can do anything we want there. We can honor His authority or we can dishonor His authority. If we dishonor His authority, we can be cursed. If we choose to honor His authority, we will be blessed. It’s our choice.
He does the same in government. He works through the established authority to bring order, safety, security, and blessing into the earth. In the United States, we choose our governing authorities. He helped us form our government and He gave us that choice. We need to vote and put those in office who will choose to honor His authority. If we are successful, He can work through that authority to bless our nation. If we choose someone that will ignore Him or even work against Him, then curses could come to us instead. You can see this wherever there have been evil, wicked leaders over nations around the world and throughout history.
We also govern for Him through our intercession. The Church is His ekklesia, His governing body or legislators, in the earth. In other words, we are conduits of His authority in the earth. He can take our prayers, declarations, and decrees and turn the hearts of our leaders. He can move on the hardest of hearts through our intercession. Then, we can be blessed as a nation even when our government is not in direct alignment with Him. However, the greater blessing comes when those in authority honor Him and He can work directly through them on our behalf.
The Kingdom of God is like leaven. When it begins to be released through the governing principles of God into the earth, it affects everything. People are affected, laws are affected, and even nature is affected. Everything becomes blessed and everything flourishes. Everything the enemy was doing is turned back and peace manifests. This is what we are after in November. So, be encouraged and rejuvenated in your faith. We can turn the tide of this nation. I believe we will!
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1:18-21; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Pray for the hearts of the Church to be encouraged.
- Intercede for the Church to understand our authority and role in seeing the blessings of God come to America.
- Ask the Lord to encourage our elected leaders – President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the Cabinet, and our Senators and Representatives.
- Declare, “The Church will decree the blessings of God into America. We will pray and we will vote for government leaders that will honor God and His ways.”
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, break off of us a spirit of intimidation and fear. If we can get hold of this revelation, we can see our nation change. When we pray, we are not representing ourselves and our own power and our own strength. We are not coming in our own authority. We are representing You. We are not declaring our own will, but Yours. We are not putting our trust in our earthly government, but in You. We are carrying You into the ballot box. We are carrying You into the White House, the Senate chambers and the House of Representatives.
We want to be a nation blessed of the Lord. We know that that only comes as we intercede and place the right people in office through our vote. We have to have both. So, God, we pray for the Ekklesia to be encouraged and keep praying. We can’t stop now. Satan is trying to discourage us, but we can’t give into his tactics. Not now. We ask that You encourage our president through our prayers. The attacks against him and his team are relentless. Let him feel the prayers of the saints on his behalf. We ask the same for our Senators and Congressmen. Let our prayers encourage those that know You. Move on the hearts of those that may not yet know You. Let them find themselves doing the best thing for the people despite their politics. Let them respond to the authority of the praying Church. Thank You for blessing America, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
The blessing of God comes into our nation through our intercession and our vote.