The Time of the Tipping of the Bowls
[Betty Love has established Love Ministries and Miracle City Global in Mississippi. She has connected with us to intercede for the turning of our nation. She released this Word of the Lord on a recent prayer call.]
“We are in a season of reset. The enemy would like to stop that from happening and knock us out before we can experience the victory. Recently, there were 2 hurricanes coming up through the Gulf of Mexico—Laura and Marco. Laura literally knocked Marco out of the way and kept going, all the way to Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. I believe this is a sign that we are going to receive that victory. I do not believe we are going to lose ground coming up to and beyond the elections. I believe we are going to gain ground.
“I was recently in Memphis on the Mississippi River. There was a deep calm over the river. The Lord spoke to me there and said, ‘America is in the crucible. The nation is in a trial by fire. But when you come through this season, America will be renewed. This new America will make your heart sing. There will not just be a restoration to the foundation, but there will be a manifestation of a greater glory.’
“Today, the Lord said, ‘Realignment, reset, and reinstatement. I have prayed for you, America, that your faith will not fail. Your faith will not fail. America, who do you say that I am? America, America, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you. America, your faith will not fail. When you have turn—and turn, you will—you will be strength for the nations. Decree, “Reinstatement!” Decree, “Saved!’”
“Then He said, ‘Tip the bowls!’ I heard the great cloud of witnesses saying, ‘Tip the bowls!’ I then heard a resounding response coming out of the Ekklesia saying, ‘Tip the bowls!’ There was a three-fold cord of decree saying, ‘Tip the bowls!’ I believe the tipping of the bowls is upon us.”
“The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous. The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things! The Lord’s right hand is lifted high; the Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!” (Psalm 118:14-16; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Exalt the Lord! Extol His greatness! Glorify Him—Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
- Shout, “Victory! The Lord is our Victory! Victory is coming to America!”
- Make statements of faith to the Lord about the season of victory we are in. Look at the things Betty said above. Think about other prophetic Words that have been recently released and speak them into the atmosphere. That is the Will of the Lord for this nation.
- Declare, “The realignment, reset, and reinstatement are here! We are becoming the new America! The enemy cannot stop the move of God!”
- Shout with the Lord and the hosts of heaven, “Tip the bowls!”
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, You are our true strength and our glory song, our champion, our Savior. We come into agreement with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let our loud shouts of victory echo throughout the land. Your hand conquers valiantly! Your right hand will never fail us! We thank You that You have decreed victory over this nation. Where the enemy would desire to sift us as wheat, our focus will remain fixed on Your intercession for us, Jesus. You stir up intercession in the Ekklesia, not only in this nation, but in the nations of the earth. You have destined a global harvest for us! We come to You as one, recognizing that America has been in the crucible and in a trial by fire. You have pressed the Ekklesia into intercession. We thank You that the time has come for the tipping of the prayer bowls and a baptism of Your Holy Spirit greater than we have ever seen before.
Thank You that You are bringing us through this. We are becoming a new America. This new form we are taking on is going to make our hearts sing. We thank You that You are doing more than restoring us. You don’t simply restore. You bring things back better than they were before. Thank You for the realignment, the reset, and the reinstatement of this nation. We thank You for the tipping of the bowls. Tip them, Lord Jesus! Tip the bowls. Pour Your Glory out on us in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Today’s decree:
The bowls of intercession are being tipped! America will be saved!
Learn more about Betty Love here.