Choosing the Right Supreme Court Justices – Part 1
[Today, Phillip Jauregi, an expert in constitutional law and founder of Judicial Action Group, provides an education for us on the importance of choosing the correct justices for the U.S. Supreme Court.]
The Supreme Court is important because it makes the most important rules in our Nation. Although contrary to the clear text of the Constitution, we function under an illegitimate system whereby judges legislate from the bench like an unaccountable judicial oligarchy. Judicial nominations are an essential tool to correct this abuse and to restore power to the People.
“Why is a standard for Supreme Court Justices important? Without a standard, everyone is acceptable. The Bible reveals that ‘where there is no vision, the people perish.’ Over the last fifty years, conservatives have failed over half the time to nominate conservative constitutionalist Justices. To reverse course and achieve judicial renewal we must adopt a new vision and a new standard.
“The Justice Standard: The standard for Constitutionally Conservative Justices identifies prospects with a (1) long-term, (2) record, (3) of courage, (4) conservatism, and (5) a constitutional judicial philosophy.” [We will cover the last two of these today. We will look at the other three tomorrow.]
“Constitutional Judicial Philosophy: A constitutional judicial philosophy requires a conviction that:
- The role of a justice is simply to ‘decide cases and controversies.’
- A justice must never legislate from the bench.
- A justice must prioritize their oath to follow the original public meaning of the text of the Constitution over precedent that might dictate a contrary result.
- The Judiciary is a co-equal – not supreme – branch of government.
“Conservatism: In Federalist No. 51, Madison explained that ‘if men were angels, no government would be necessary.’ In a perfect world, the political philosophy of judges would not matter. In the present world – littered with so-called ‘conservative’ Justices drifting liberal–it does. Liberals always nominate liberal Justices and it works for them; conservatives do not always nominate conservatives, and it has failed us. Conservatives should nominate only constitutionalists who are also conservative for at least four reasons. First, we are conservative! Second, the conservative philosophy opposes the usurpation of power–the liberal philosophy does not; thus, a conservative Justice is less likely to usurp legislative power. Third, conservatives are not tempted to legislate liberal social policy from the bench because they loathe it. Fourth, if a Justice does happen to fall off the ‘constitutional’ wagon (as non-angelic Justices are prone to do) at least they will fall on the right side of the wagon. Insisting on Justices who are constitutionalists and conservative is a ‘belt and suspenders’ approach; perhaps Madison would call it an ‘auxiliary precaution.’”
“When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” (Proverbs 21:15; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Decree, “The Supreme Court will return to acting under the boundaries set for it in the United States Constitution.”
- Decree, “All decisions enacted by the Supreme Court that were unconstitutional will be reversed.” This includes liberal policies, such as legalized abortion and same-sex marriage. Those are matters that should be voted on by the people, not decided on by the Supreme Court.
- Declare the Constitutional Judicial Philosophies as stated above will be adhered to by the Court from this time forward.
- Intercede for future Supreme Court nominations to be those who would uphold the U. S. Constitution and a standard of righteousness and biblical justice.
- Ask the Lord to prepare for us future justices who are conservative constitutionalists, unlikely to usurp legislative power (allowing representation of the people), and not tempted to legislate liberal social philosophy.
A prayer you can pray:
God, we, Your ekklesia, decree, “The Supreme Court will return to acting under the boundaries set for it in the United States Constitution. ” We have had enough of Supreme Court justices “legislating from the bench.” This has given us laws to live under that we consider heinous and which have advanced a demonic agenda in America. Our nation is deserving of Your judgement for these decisions, but we seek You for mercy.
We further decree, “All decisions enacted by the Supreme Court that were unconstitutional will be reversed.” We say that we will see the reversal of decisions that have allowed abortion to be legalized and even expanded! We reject the death culture these decisions instituted and advanced. We will see the reversal of other decisions that have brought moral degradation into America. Forgive our land, Jesus. We say the Constitutional judicial philosophies as stated above will be adhered to by the Court from this time forward. Give us justices that will uphold those standards. Give us justices who are conservative constitutionalists, unlikely to usurp legislative power, and not tempted to legislate liberal social philosophy. We want those You have raised up for such a time as this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We call conservative Justices to sit on the U. S. Supreme Court!
Learn more about Phillip Jauregi and Judicial Action Group here.