[Today’s article comes from Cindy McGill. God sends Cindy to the darkest corners of our society to love lost sinners to Christ.]

 The Devil Is Not Getting Away with Anything

“The devil looks like he is advancing his agenda across the nation, but he is not getting away with anything. All of his destructive agendas are being exposed and now he has to pay. There is no devil in Hell that can override Jesus’ authority. The Church of God has now moved into the aggressive and offensive position. As we learn God’s ways that defeat satan’s plans and agendas for our lives, families, countries, and the world at large, we are called to occupy with power and Jesus’ authority.

“The gates of hell will not prevail against God’s Church. There is seriously not one thing satan gets away with when the Church looks Jesus in the face. From Him, we receive direction, confidence, strategy, boldness, peace, assurance, and prophetic direction. He then unifies us to move together in new ways. 

“There has always been a plan in place for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and there is not one trick or demonic plan that will stop it. God is pulling back the curtains and revealing all of satan’s plans ahead of time. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and God has planned to always give us the victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57 tells us that nothing is impossible with God, and there is nothing more powerful than a praying Body of God-fearing people who will not allow evil to prevail. God is with us and nothing can stand against us.

“There will be a display of people with wicked agendas being brought to justice for everyone to see. There has been a time of repentance granted to them, but now there will be swift judgment coming to those who have tried to overthrow God’s plan and purpose. Some will fall on the same sword they have drawn on God’s people to try and destroy them. Many plans that were crafted by hell will never succeed and will actually backfire on them. Not only are people going to be exposed, but they will be sentenced for the evil crimes they have committed. There is no free pass for hideous acts of evil. 

“Look up. Trust God’s plan. Cease striving. Don’t panic. Rest in God’s ability to guide and direct our steps. When the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise up a standard against him, just as He tells us He will do in Isaiah 59:19.”

“For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; indeed, you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be no more. But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, for He sees that his day is coming. ” (Psalm 37:9-13; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Sit with Jesus and let Him remind you of His many victories in the Bible. Start with the story of the cross of Jesus. The Old Testament is filled with stories about how He delivered the people of Israel. What the enemy means for evil, God always turns for good.
  • Repent if you have thought the devil is being given free reign in America. Shift your thinking, so you can properly intercede.
  • Command everything being done in darkness to get in the light! As the Ekklesia, demand full exposure of evil plans and plots against the United States government, its leaders, and its citizens!
  • Declare, “Satan cannot override Jesus’ authority, and that authority resides in the Church!”
  • Decree Psalm 37:9-13 above, then decree, “God will be true to His Word!”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You are God. There is none like You. Satan wants us to think he is Your counterpart, but he is nothing more than a being created by You. He works overtime to get Your people to fear him. He wants to cause us to forget You and Your ways—Your goodness, strength, victories, and ability to save and deliver us! We must keep reminding ourselves of that, so we don’t get overcome by what we are seeing and hearing. We must hold on to the Truth in Your Word, then let faith arise and proclaim that Truth. 

In the Name of Jesus, we command everything being done in darkness to get in the light! As the Ekklesia, we demand full exposure of evil plans and plots against the United States government, its leaders, and its citizens! We declare, “Satan cannot override Jesus’ authority, and that authority resides in the Church!” We will overcome him by the words of our mouth, the meditation of our hearts, and we will not love our lives more than Christ. It is Jesus’ blood that gives us true life. We live for You, Lord, and we know You can be relied on to fulfill Your Word. We pledge our allegiance to You again today, Jesus. We live for You and Your purposes. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Lord will expose and undo all the plans and plots of the wicked!

This article was originally published in The Elijahlist and is being used with Cindy McGill’s permission. Learn more about Cindy McGill here.