[Today’s article comes from Cindy McGill. God sends Cindy to the darkest corners of our society to love lost sinners to Christ.]

We Are Preparing for the Best Days of Our Lives!

“What may look like the end, almost always is actually a new beginning. Evil never wins; God’s LOVE WINS. When God’s people come into agreement with Heaven, we receive power to change things, destroy the works of Hell, gain new insight and wisdom that is not earthly wisdom, and partner with God in His plan and purpose. We are not meant to live in bondage, controlled by wicked agendas, tethered to destructive lawlessness and insanity. God has plans and blueprints to navigate in this hour and we will not be defeated… satan will be.

“This whirlwind of change is producing spiritual hunger on epic levels. New challenges always produce new ideas and instructions for navigating through the challenges. The Creator is giving us new blueprints and wisdom to create successful business ideas, community gatherings, and strategic plans on how to pray and pull Heaven’s plans to Earth. These are plans the devil can’t get his hands on.

“The situation our world is currently in has been building for a while, and God is fully aware of it. We’ve been hearing for years that God is doing a new thing. Now, we are watching Him reset our navigation system to guide us, instruct us, and empower us. Downloads of ‘never thought of before’ ideas and dreams from God are now accessible to us that will confound and derail the devil’s plans for destruction and confusion. Make no mistake: The most creative, exciting and awe-inspiring moments are right in front of us.

“New leaders and influencers, fathers with integrity, are arising! These are the next rank of Generals in God’s army. They have been hidden and tried by fire to lead in this final battle. These are the true leaders, full of humility and integrity, who have stood the testing and fires of hard times. They are rising to the top. These are God’s trusted ones who have God’s heart and can lead with compassion. They are filled with unwavering faith and tenacity. Character is their major strength and gifting falls second.

“Our best days are upon us. Let’s look at Jesus’ plans. Let’s not focus on all this other stuff. Let’s maximize the time and do what Jesus would do. The Church was never meant to be inside the building. We are the Church, and God is recruiting a bold army.”

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Proclaim, “What looks like the end is often God creating a new beginning.”
  • Shout, “Evil never wins; God’s LOVE WINS!”
  • Choose to agree with heaven that the end result of the chaos we see around us is a holy and divine reset, not a demonic one. Believe that Satan is playing into the Lord’s plans.
  • Call forth into this nation heavenly downloads of ‘never thought of before’ ideas and dreams from God.
  • Intercede for the new breed of apostolic and prophetic leaders filled with faith and boldness, mantled with glory, and manifesting the miraculous.
  • Declare, “The best days of Christ’s glorious Church are upon us.”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You are fully aware of everything going on in the world and in the United States right now. You are aware of the spiritual war and of the societal chaos. None of this is taking You by surprise. Evil never wins; Your LOVE WINS! We choose to believe that You are creating a new era of power and glory in America. The Great Awakening has begun! 

Signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth will be seen. Angel armies are coming to the rescue. Holy storms will drive the enemies of the nation back. Salvation and transformations of the hardest hearts will be very publicly seen. God, You are on the move!

We call into the earth realm miracles and notable signs and wonders. We call for downloads of creative thoughts and ideas that solve national problems, dissolve societal ills, correct history, and set America on a track to complete her destiny. We are to be a light to the nations, offering freedom and hope. We are to send the Gospel to all nations from our shores. Raise up the new brand of fiery, Holy Ghost-filled, faithful servant leaders. Kingdom of God, come now to America! Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Church will not be defeated, but will advance God’s Kingdom in this land! 

This article was originally published in The Elijahlist and is being used with Cindy McGill’s permission. Learn more about Cindy McGill here.