Hope for the Nation – Part 4
[Recently, Anthony and Melissa Medina of Hopefires International interviewed me on their broadcast on the subject of hope for America. Today is a continuation of the series we began on 7/31/20.]
Dutch, you have been sharing about the slumbering Church awakening and not coming under the influence of hopelessness. In what ways do you see the Church emerging in this time of great turmoil?
I think there is an element of the Church that will not wake up through this. They are born again brothers and sisters, but they’re not listening or hearing. They are satisfied with where things are. That has been the case in every move of God.
However, there is a remnant in this nation and around the world that has been listening and accepting and moving forward with what God is doing. There is an apostolic company. There is a prophetic company. There is an interceding company. Because we have had the apostolic restoration and we understand the governmental mantle of the apostolic calling, I believe we are about to move into the fullness of Matthew 16.
This is where Christ said, “I am going to build an ekklesia (Church), and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” If Jesus had returned before now, that verse would be a lie, because the gates of hell have prevailed against the Church at times. Jesus, however, said He was building a Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. He used the term “ekklesia” there, which means “a legislative body”. The hordes of hell will never defeat them or set them back. They will always advance. They will know when and how to bind and loose. They will decree the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom into the earth.
So, I feel He’s been restoring a revelation that we are not just a pastoral company taking care of one another. We are not just a soul-winning company. We are not just a teaching company. We are an apostolic company, which represents God’s government and His authority in the earth. We are also a prophetic company. We can hear His voice now and we can hear His strategy. We can decree for Him and become His voice in the earth. We are representing His fullness.
“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18-19; NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Intercede for the apostolic and prophetic remnant of the Church that has been listening and accepting and moving forward with what God is doing. Declare that they will keep increasing and advancing!
- Ask the Lord to make the sleeping Church uncomfortable in their complacency.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to increase the revelation of the fullness of Christ through the five-fold expressions of His nature to the whole Church, until we come into maturity across the whole earth.
- Say, “This is the generation of the Church, the Ekklesia of God, that will advance Christ’s Kingdom in the earth. All the powers of hell will not conquer it. We will use the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus has given us. Whatever we forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever we permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. There will be no end to His Kingdom, and it will be solidly established in America.”
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we are thankful for the remnant that continues to listen for and obey Your Holy Spirit. You promised that You would grant us and teach us about the five-fold gifts of Christ, so the saints could be trained and matured in Him. You have taught us much and we are growing into a fullness in Christ. We see faith increasing. We see anointing increasing. We see boldness increasing in the Church, as well. We ask that You would shake the remainder of the Body of Christ out of her complacency. We need all hands on deck to work against the plans of the enemy. We need all of the five-fold gifts in operation. We need grace and strength, power and glory.
This is the generation of the Church, the Ekklesia of God, that will advance Christ’s Kingdom in the earth. All the powers of hell will not conquer it. We will use the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus has given us. Whatever we forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever we permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. There will be no end to His Kingdom, and it will be solidly established in America. We proclaim this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
The Ekklesia’s decrees will stop all the powers of hell, and Christ’s Kingdom will advance in America!
Learn more about Anthony and Melissa Medina and Hopefires International here.