God is Fulfilling His Purpose for America Through Our Decrees

[At the end of last month, I was sent on a prayer journey by the Lord. Directions for it came from a couple of dreams that were sent to me. I started this series on April 13th, so if you want to go back and get caught up, you can. This will take a few days, so keep following here to get it all. It will tie right into what’s going on in the nation right now, which we didn’t know was coming when the dreams were given.]

The third part of the dream:

So as the decrees would come out the end of the megaphone, eagles would fly in and pick them up. There was no randomness to their flight. They knew exactly where they were to go with them. They’d carry the decrees to the point of their assignment. There they would drop each decree. When they dropped the decree, it would become what looked like a white sheet. I believe the eagles were angels that were carrying these decrees throughout the nation. They covered the nation like a sheet. Some were dropped on land, some on buildings, and some on churches (and not just charismatic churches.)

The eagles were assigned to Washington, D.C., and to different parts of the entire nation, even though initially it was the northwest. They first went to a port in Washington state, then all the way down the West Coast to the southern part of California. Then, they blanketed the nation. 

The one who had the dream said, “There was no delay. Decrees were instantly delivered to their assigned places. There were words written on the sheets that were carried, and obviously the words were the decrees.” She could only see the words on one. It was the word “saved”. I know that’s the primary message the Lord wanted to bring. “America will be saved.”

So, I knew based on these dreams in October of last year that at a certain time, late March through early April, I would need to go to Washington, D.C., and Valley Forge to make decrees over the nation and release angels. I always take a small group for agreement. The group holding the megaphone in the dream confirmed this was needed. So in early March, I began to plan this endeavor. 

Then the virus was beginning to grow and restrictions were beginning to be placed on us. It was apparent how big and how devastating this could be. So at first I thought, “Well, it’s a small group. We can still do this with 15 to 20 people.” However, the closer we got to the date, which was at the end of March, it became obvious that this couldn’t happen. Because of what the president was asking, and governors were asking, I knew we should not take a group of even that size to do this. It wasn’t safe. Parts of Washington, D.C., closed down, and at Valley Forge, the entrance to the park was closed. I also wanted to be supportive of what the president was asking us to do and not take a group to do this. So my first thought was that I would just postpone it and do it later. But, the more I prayed into this, the more I realized that there was no reason for God to give the cherry blossoms in this dream other than timing. If I waited until the end of April, they would be gone, and I would not be doing it at the time he said to do it. 

So I sought the Lord and said, “Lord, how can I fulfill this?” He put in my heart to go by myself. One couple that lives in Washington, D.C., could meet me there. We could still do the social distancing and and could walk and pray, and I could have that agreement. We could also get the entire team that had been planning to go with me on their phones and do a conference prayer call. Then, I realized why God gave us this unusual picture in the dream of using megaphones. It was a group on their phones making an amplified agreement of the decrees together. Then we realized it was going to be done. We knew we could cover the nation through this phone prayer time. We put it together and planned to do that.

“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Yesterday, we focussed our prayers on the west coast of America. Focus them today on your state and city. Make the decrees the Lord gives you.
  • Now, focus your decrees on Washington, D.C.
  • Now, make decrees over the entire nation. Be passionate! Be confident! Feel the synergy of other Believers decreeing with you. Decree in authority, grace, and strength. Remember that God has said, “America shall be saved!”

A prayer you can pray:

[This is one of those days I cannot write what you should pray. You decree the decrees God shows you over those places he puts on your heart. Focus on the areas listed above in the prayer points. Decree, Ekklesia of God, and know He is decreeing through you! America shall be saved!]

Today’s decree:

God is decreeing His will over America through His Ekklesia. His promises to America will come to pass!