The Church Can Shift the Atmosphere – Part 3

“All throughout God’s Word, we see that God is enthroned in praise. We glorify Him through our worship. That is why praise and worship are essential to experiencing God’s glory. Praise is that element of celebration that can transport us into the throne room of God. Once we are in the throne room at His feet, we need to worship and adore Him. As we worship Him in that intimate place, He begins to reveal His glory to us. God is looking for true worshipers who will worship ‘in spirit and truth’ (John 4:24). And as He finds those worshipers, they are able to experience the reality of heaven, which is God’s glory.

“Worship causes us to move thankfully with our body toward our creator. Praise (or yadah in Hebrew) is to worship God with extended hands. With hands lifted up, we declare the merit of God, and we thank Him for everything He has put in our hands. We find this concept first mentioned in the Bible when Leah conceived her fourth son and named him Judah, meaning praise. When Jacob acknowledged Judah, he extended his highest blessing upon him and declared that even his brothers would praise him. He also declared that Judah (praise) would triumph over all of his enemies with royal authority (the scepter) and legal authority (the lawgiver). The word ‘Judah’ also means to hold out your hand and throw or shoot a stone or an arrow at your enemy. Therefore, we find that praise will be a key weapon of the Spirit of God in our lives in days ahead.” (Chuck Pierce)

“I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.” (Psalm 9:1; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer (by, Chuck Pierce):

  • Read Psalm 130 and Rev. 2:10. Praise God for removing your past and extending abundant grace and forgiveness to you. Stand in His Presence and receive an outpouring of His grace.  
  • Let Hope arise in you, new and fresh. Let assurance of redemption rest upon you, and command all fear to leave you.
  • Read Psalms 131 – 134. 
  • Praise God and let perfect peace manifest in you. Stop striving and leaning on your own understanding concerning your circumstances and allow trust to arise. 
  • Embrace the faithful love of God. As a weaned child rests against his mother’s breast, declare that your soul is a weaned child within you. A weaned child has come to a new place of maturity. 
  • There is no peace until all our enemies are under our feet. Ascend above your enemies and reach the goal of the throne room. Sing, praise, and worship in the presence of the LORD.
  • Receive a new anointing, like the oil poured on Aaron’s head and flowing down the hem of his robe. 

A prayer you can pray:

God, I praise You for removing my past and extending abundant grace and forgiveness to me. I stand in Your Presence and receive an outpouring of Your grace. Let Hope arise in me, new and fresh. Let assurance of redemption rest upon me. I command all fear to leave my household. I praise You. Let perfect peace manifest in my life. I want to stop striving and leaning on my own understanding concerning my circumstances. Cause trust in Jesus to arise in me. I embrace Your faithful love. As a weaned child rests against his mother’s breast, I declare that my soul is a weaned child within me. You are causing me to come into a new place of maturity. I will not find peace until all my enemies are under my feet, so let me ascend above every one of my enemies. Let me come boldly to Your throneroom to find grace to help in this time of need. I will sing, praise, and worship in Your presence, Lord. I receive a new anointing as I stand in that holy place, like the oil poured on Aaron’s head and flowing down the hem of his robe. I will need that anointing to show the enemy who I belong to. Then, he must flee! All praise to You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

Our highest praises to Jesus will cause us to triumph over all of our enemies!

Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.