On the Sidelines or in the Battle to Win It?

Every square inch of this nation belongs to the Lord. The earth is the Lord’s and its fullness. Believe with me that the blood of Jesus is going to break every curse in the soil. Believe for your area of influence, and I’ll believe for mine.  His blood will break every curse in the atmosphere and every curse over government. We all have authority over government, because we elect the government that represents us. The Lord is bestowing His power on our nation now like we have not seen in many years. God is going to be seen. Signs and wonders are coming. Miracles are coming. 

Don’t doubt this. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t just say these things. Say whatever God says. You can believe it! He will do it, if He is saying it! Don’t be one watching on the sidelines to see if it will be true. Think about the Israelites leaving Egypt with Moses. If they thought that way, they would have died in Egypt or remained in slavery. They had to believe Moses’ words, act on them, and move out.

God is watching. God has been waiting. God has been looking for a people that He knows will press through. He’s been waiting for that moment where there are enough Believers, filled with faith, to pray out loud until they see their decrees a reality in the earth. These will not doubt or lose heart or stop short. They will push to the finish line. You are that generation.

“Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.” (Exodus 4:12; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Repent, if you have been watching and waiting to see what is going to happen, instead of decreeing His purposes in the land.
  • Ask the Lord to be with your mouth and teach you what to pray.
  • Encourage others around you to do the same. Lead your family members and children to decree. Get your church to decree. Get coworkers and friends, neighbors and colleagues to decree the word of God, as well.
  • Say, “Raise up your decreeing army, Lord! Fill our mouths with Your Word, our weapon of warfare against every enemy we face!”
  • Declare, “Every square inch of this nation is the Lord’s, the people, the ground, and the atmosphere! He will have it!”

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, forgive me when I have gotten in a “wait and see” place. There is no faith in that. Not only does nothing change, but things can go backward when we will not engage the enemy. You have told us that You have put Your sword in our mouths – the Word of God. Show me what to declare to advance Your purposes. What verses are my sword made up of? Let me join with my spouse in united decrees over our marriage, family, provision, and national future. Let me teach my children not just to petition You in prayer, but to decree. I will tell all of those in my arena of influence. My friends and I will join together to change our schools, neighborhoods, and city. Our church will decree Your purposes into those things we are called to, as well as decreeing together what You want for our state and nation. I want to be that confident catalyst, showing the way. Raise up your decreeing army, Lord! Fill our mouths with Your Word, our weapon of warfare against every enemy we face! I say, “Every square inch of this nation is Yours, the people, the ground, and the atmosphere! You will have it!” In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I won’t sit on the sidelines, but will speak His decrees until He is glorified in America!