The Decade of the Decree – Part 1

Back in the 1990’s we didn’t operate in declarations and decrees. We just offered up petitions. Around 2000, He said to me, “You will fully shift this nation when the Church shifts their mindset from priestly intercession only to kingly intercession, also.” We have come into the decade of the decree. God says we are going to decree things like we have never decreed before. 

There is a Word in Hebrew that the Lord has emphasized for me. It is a word used in three familiar verses having to do with decrees. It’s “asah”. Let’s look at it in Numbers 23:19.

“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (NASB) The word “do” here is “asah”. It means, among other things, “to create”. His words create. When He speaks, power is released to bring forth something, sometimes out of nothing. This is the way we bind and loose, forbid and allow. He tells us what He wants in His Word through prophetic intercession. Then, we say what He says. 

There was a teaching about “confession” that was in error. The error was that those adhering to it thought they could say anything they wanted to and God had to do it. They thought God had to back up all of their declarations. That’s not biblical. Biblical confession is to say what He says. That’s what the word means, “to say the same thing”. When you say what He says, then power is released from you and God says, “I’ll create with those words. You decree a thing and it will be established.”

“By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.” (Proverbs 8:15; KJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Believe and say, “God watches over His Word to perform it.” 
  • Say, “His Word”, again. 
  • Repent if you have thought you could say anything you felt was right. Repent for saying things that were not God’s will, but your own. He knows you didn’t understand. Rejoice, because now, you do!
  • Worship for a while. Sit at His feet in humble adoration. As you do, ask Him if there is anything He would like you to declare and decree. Maybe He will begin to speak to you things that are on His heart that He wants you to speak out for Him.

A prayer you can pray:

God, we haven’t understood the way that You wanted to partner with us. You had a plan to uproot, pluck up, overthrow, but we didn’t get it quite right. In past seasons, we thought we could just say what we wanted. We thought we could just have an opinion and say something to change it. We became very frustrated when our prayers were having no effect. We even became selfish at times with some of what we declared. Forgive us. Let us worship You today. You are worthy of our worship, always. Correct our understanding, even as You forgive us our sin of presumption. If there is something on Your heart that You would like us to know, then Lord, speak it to us. Give us Your viewpoint, Your revelation, and Your Words to decree. The earth is going to be changed in this season. Culture is going to shake and shift. Multitudes of new believers in all sectors of society are going to make the nation different. People will change. Media will change. Laws will change. Dark is getting darker and light is getting lighter. We want to be different. We want to be holy and set apart for You. We want to be those that are filled with faith and carry out Your will. Jesus, precious Jesus, we want to honor Your Name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

May God’s decrees for this time be released by the holy Ekklesia of God!