Praying for Our Senators and Representatives

I was recently in Washington, D.C., and spent time with a friend in the Congress. He expressed to me that he is tired of the constant tension and said that he is considering retiring from office. This man is a strong Christian and has represented Christ well in his position in the House of Representatives. For him to say that things have grown hard enough to weary him said a lot to me. He mentioned that he coveted the prayers of the Church and asked me to say something to remind us to pray for our elected officials. It reminded me of the time a Christian Senator once lamented to me, “The Church prays us into office, then we’re on our own!” He actually went on to say, “I can tell when the Church is praying and when it isn’t.” The tendency of the Church is to pray (sometimes fervently) during an election, then return to our “prayer-less” ways afterwards. So, I adjure you today, Church, to pray for your Senators, Congressmen and women, President, and other elected and appointed officials. They need our intercession more than you can ever know.

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Repent if you know you have been one that stops praying with fervency when the election season is over.
  • Repent if you have only prayed for governing leaders that you agree with.
  • Every state has 2 Senators. Find them here and pray for them today. There is a small box on the upper right where you choose your state and you will see your two Senators. Click on their names to learn more about each of them and find lots of things to pray about.
  • Each state has many Representatives. Find yours here and pray for them. There is a small box on the upper right under “Find Your Representative” where you can enter your zip code to find your Representative. You will see the cities they represent. Click on their name on the left and you will go to their page. Here you can find the committees they serve on and any issues they are working to resolve. Pray for them.
  • Sign up for your Senators’ and Representatives’ newsletters, so you stay informed and know exactly how to pray on a regular basis.
  • Send them a letter email of support. Contact information is on their website.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, forgive me for praying with passion for my nation and the elections when we get to that season, but forgetting about praying for the ones elected! Forgive me when I have not been able to find Your heart and direction to pray for those that represent me in Washington and locally. Remind me to pray for them, Lord, even when I do not agree with them. They need the prayers of the Church, and who knows if they might just change their minds about some things. Help me learn about them, learn what they are working on, and care about them, so that I can pray regularly for them. (Intercede for your Senators and Member of the House of Representatives. Use the links above to find them and to find out about them.) Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God-fearing elected officials are worthy of our intercession and support!