See You at the Pole – A Growing Youth Movement
A few months (after the first See You at the PoleTM gathering), a group of youth ministers from all over the country gathered together for a national conference in Colorado. Many of them reported that their students had heard about the prayer movement in Texas and were equally burdened for their schools. No other events had been planned, but it was clear that students across the country would be creating their own national day of student prayer. There was no stopping them.
On September 11, 1991, at 7:00 a.m., an estimated one million students gathered at school flagpoles all over the country. From Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, from North Dakota to the tip of Texas, students came together to pray. Some sang, some read Scripture, but most importantly, they prayed. Like those first students, they prayed for their schools, for their friends, for their leaders, and for their country.
As in all great movements of prayer, See You at the Pole™ did not begin in the hearts of people. It began in the heart of God. God used the obedience of a small group of teenagers to ignite what has become an international movement of prayer among young people.
Since 1991, See You at the Pole™ has grown to God-sized proportions. Within the first few years, the movement began to spread to other nations through missionaries from the U.S. Now each year, an estimated 1 million students from all over the world participate in See You at the Pole™. Students in more than 64 countries have participated. In places like Canada, Korea, Japan, Turkey, and the Ivory Coast, students are responding to God and taking seriously the challenge to pray.
“According to your faith let it be done to you.” (Matthew 9:29; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Call for a student-led Great Awakening Movement in our nation’s schools.
- Intercede for all those things that accompany revival, such as fervent prayer, Bible studies rising up, discipleship between teachers and students, etc., to rise up in our schools.
- Say, “Let the sleeping giant, called the Church, awaken and engage the Lord and His harvest!”
- Ask God to give His young emerging leaders a supernatural spiritual maturity and so be an example of the Believers.This will expand the move of God quickly in the school system.
A prayer you can pray:
“Thank you, Lord, for your prophetic promise that we are on the verge of the greatest revival ever… and this nation is about to see the glory of God and another Great Awakening! As we stand in faith before you for these promises, we obey Your command to pray fervently that You would send workers into our schools and universities where the harvest indeed is plentiful! Thank You for every Christian student and teacher You have placed in our schools; we pray that You would stir them up and help them resolve that this coming school year they will get to know You in a deeper way, to walk more closely with You, and be an example of character and righteousness and to show love and compassion to those around them. We fervently pray that You would awaken the “sleeping giant” of Your Church to become actively engaged in their local schools and our education system. Help us see this harvest field in our own backyards and find meaningful ways to serve and reach our schools. We pray for the young student evangelists on campus. We ask for you to remove all fear of their peers, compromise and any intimidation from them. We pray that they would walk in an anointing to preach the Gospel with power, and we pray that they would see a flood of undeniable healings and miracles on campuses when they pray for others. Thank you for the Christian students who will step into leadership roles. We bless them and ask for a deep spiritual maturity, unshakeable courage, the zeal of the Lord, and that You would not let them be distracted from their high calling in You. Please give the students of America a great hunger for Your Word! May thousands of Bible studies and prayer groups spring up on campuses across our nation and around the world, led by young teachers and pastors like Timothy; students who are wise beyond their years, faithful to the truth, and effective apologists for the gospel. Release the fivefold ministry (Eph 4:11) in our schools we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.” (BridgeBuilders International)
Today’s decree:
Let the student-led prayer movements expand across the nation and around the globe!
Learn more about See You at the PoleTM here.
Learn more about BridgeBuilders and their prayer resources here.