Living the American Dream
The American dream is not about you. It’s not about having houses and cars and material wealth. It’s not about having the free time to travel wherever you want to go or to hang out and barbeque with your friends and families on the weekend. None of those things is wrong. But, the Dream is God’s!
Listen, Washington, D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, New York, L.A. and Chicago! It’s not about your dream for America, either! All of your ideologies you spin, it’s not about that. You are at risk of being judged for turning men’s hearts away from God. He paid a tremendous price in the form of His Son in order to get His family back. He has a dream. He has a plan to get as many as possible back. He paid it all, so His dream could come to pass. We minimize and materialize and mess with that.
We, even Christians, make up fantasy lives and strive to attain them without God. Our government leaders have tried to legislate immorality into this country and it has moved people away from their Heavenly Father. How do you think God feels about that? Our educators are trying to mess with our kids’ heads and thought processes, putting notions in them that lead them away from God to embrace ideologies that are destructive. Abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, and things like accepting sexual perversions as normal—all these things and more keep people away from their loving Father. They threaten the fulfillment of His dream for America and for you!
“For I am the LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt so that I would be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:45; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Check your life. Whose dream are you living? God’s, yours, or some fantasy dream life concocted by media? How about one taught to you by formal educators? Be honest! An adjustment might be needed.
- His dream for you fit within His overall dream for America may look different than the life you’re leading. Find His dream. Desire it!
- Are you like the rich young ruler, sad that you may have to give up what you have? Trust Him!
- Are you living a life consecrated to God and His plans for you? Say, “Lord, bring me out of Egypt. Take Egypt out of me. Make me holy, even as You are holy. I want to fulfill Your plans for me.”
- Intercede for one of the arenas of influence that influences you and your family most – government, education, business, religion, media, or arts and entertainment. How about the military, medicine, or finance? Call for God to invade these spaces with His Spirit and get His dream back.
A prayer you can pray:
God, I am coming to You today, because I love you. I have known You a while, but I realize today that I am not always living for You. I love America and I love the American dream. It provides many benefits and the time to enjoy my life. I can work at whatever job I want to, get the education I want to, and enjoy my leisure time however I want to. However, You have a wonderful plan for my life, which fits right into Your eternal dream for humanity. Instead of seeking that out, I have just enjoyed my life. Maybe I have been afraid to let You be my Lord. Maybe I have thought it wouldn’t really matter. Maybe I have doubted eternity somewhere deep inside. Whatever the reason, I turn now and say, “Lord, bring me out of Egypt. Take Egypt out of me. Make me holy, even as You are holy. I want to fulfill Your plans for me.” Give me the words to pray for the areas of society that impact my life and the lives of my family members the most. [Intercede for one of the arenas of influence that influences you and your family most – government, education, business, religion, media, or arts and entertainment. How about the military, medicine, or finance?] God, come and make Yourself known in that arena of influence. Save the lost there. Empower the Believers. Let Your Kingdom come there, even as it is in heaven in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
God will take Egypt out of us! He will impart holiness instead. He is going to get His family back!