Perfect Vision in 2020
“Autumn received a word from the Lord in the middle of corporate worship the other week. When the Lord spoke to her, He said this:
“‘Look upon the horizon, because 2020 is coming. You will be able to see clearly, because the rain has stopped. Now that the storms have passed, 2020 will be a bright and shining day for the Kingdom of God. 2020 is perfect vision and I am going to perfect the vision that I have given you. Things that were foggy, out of focus, disrupted or obscure will become crystal clear for 2020. There is a harvest coming in this new year. I will sharpen your eyes to see the ripe harvest.’
“As the Lord continued to speak to Autumn she saw a vision of hands getting dirty in soil. She also saw reapers shaking trees to harvest the ripened fruit.
“The Lord began to speak to her again, saying, ‘This will be a year of reaping. 2020 will be a year marked by harvest. Intercession has churned the atmosphere. The prayers and intercession that have been made for prodigal sons and daughters have been heard. These prayers will be answered and prodigals will be released.
“‘Many prodigals will return home. Captives will leave their chains behind. Sickness will flee from bodies. A wave of awakening will sweep across the land and souls are in the current.
“‘Get your vision ready. Your vision will need to be clear in order to see the harvest. Clear vision will move you into position to help restore the souls that will be swept into the Kingdom. Get your vision ready to see clearly because the rain has passed. 2020 is on the horizon. Look upon the horizon and prepare to see clearly into the future.’
“The Lord spoke so powerfully to Autumn about preparing for the year 2020, because it is on the horizon. This is an hour where we must look upon the horizon and be ready for all God will do in the upcoming year and seasons to come.” (Autumn Dawson)1
“Therefore said he unto them, ‘The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.’” (Luke 10:2; KJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
- Put your hands on your eyes and command them to see as God sees!
- Can you see the harvest yet or are you still seeing sinful people that you don’t want to deal with? Ask the Lord to heal any spiritual blindness. Keep asking until you know you are seeing the lost as He sees them.
- Ask God to give you and His Church hearts to restore and heal the broken.
- Stir up your faith to believe the words of the prophets!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, help us to get serious about correcting our sight. The prophets are seeing this and we are hearing it more and more. There is a seeing and saying that is coming and it is going to be historic! We have got to see the ripe harvest through Your love-filled eyes. Yes, we must call them to repentance, but not with the harshness of religion. We must intercede for them and then do and say whatever You tell us to. If we see their sin, it’s so we can intercede for them, so they can receive the exact right miracle that the Great Physician has ordered for them. Let us be Your eyes and mouth, hands and feet. Turn spiritual blindness in the Church into prophetic accuracy. We want to hit the mark over and over and over again. Holy Spirit, make hearts tender toward the Father. Send us forth to find the ready ones. Help us to see them in the midst of the throng. Save, heal and deliver in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
I can see the ripe harvest all around me! I am ready to join the great company of harvesters God is loosing across the land!
1 Excerpted from a Word posted on Elijahlist 8/31/19 by Joe Joe and Autumn Dawson. Read the original Word here.