Jesus’ Response to a Heart Cry of Frustration – Part 2

I heard the Lord say, ‘I have brought you to the end of yourself. I have brought you to the place of the deepest rest of faith that you have ever experienced. In the brokenness before Me, you are transitioning into the greatest upgrade and impartation and manifestation of faith in your life that you have walked in. It’s the place of REST. I am bringing you deeper into the faith-rested life; the place of deeper trust in who I am. There is nothing you can do to ‘EARN’ the breakthrough and ‘EARN’ the miracle. I am breaking off orphan mentalities. In the wrestle, in the pushing, in the struggle, I am purifying your heart from wrong beliefs, and removing the roots that are hindering you from walking in My truth. I am changing your perspective.’

“I had a vision and I saw many of God’s people weeping in such a ‘dry and arid land.’ These lands represented areas where there has just not been ANY breakthrough, but the continued culmination of things that shout ‘Breakthrough will never come.’ The weeping was SO loud and I heard the Lord speak again, ‘I have collected every tear, I have cherished every cry. I continue to bring comfort to My people and release hope to them that I am the God that has prepared for them things that are greater than they have imagined. (1 Corinthians 2:9) These dry and arid lands are SUDDENLY shifting. (Psalm 84:6-8) Watch what I will do. Suddenly, I saw the breath of the Spirit begin to breathe over these dry and arid lands. It was the breath of REVIVAL. I heard Him speak again, ‘I am bringing you, My people, into a season of the greatest miracles you have ever seen.’

“I watched as God moved in power in so many different ways in the lives of His people, restoring hope and turning things around. He was working MAJOR MIRACLES and His heart resounded, ‘THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.’

“I watched as the landscape changed. Miracles and the power of God manifested SO significantly the land was now branded with, ‘THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF WONDERS WAS HERE.’” (Lana Vawser)

“That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Take stock of your spiritual and emotional self. How are you faring? 
  • Is there an area in your walk with the Lord where you know your thoughts do not line up with the Word and with His nature and character? Ask Him to realign them.
  • Have you had such a hard season that you have thought the breakthrough would never come? Have you even lost hope in the dry and arid season? Tell the Lord about that.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 out loud. Say it again and again until rejoicing starts to flow from your innermost being! Praise Him for a while!
  • Declare over yourself, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.” Declare over the Church, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.” Declare over the nation, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.” Declare it over any other circumstance where you need to see breakthrough come!

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I lay bare my life and heart and thoughts before You. You know them better than I do. Holy Spirit, look deep in me and reveal the heartache, the disappointment, the pain, the hope-deferred, and any other thing that’s keeping me from believing You. Where has my faith faltered? This season has been long and dry and hard with many huge faith-challenges. I have wondered where You are in the midst of my agony. How could things go this far and get this bad? If I am one of many in the Church experiencing this, then Your army is in trouble! We need a fresh wind to blow on the hot, hard, dry ground. We need the arid places to be watered with Your Word. We need winds of refreshing to blow. We need tangible breakthrough, even miracles to manifest on our behalf. We might not make it if You hold back now, Lord. I say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” I declare over my life, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.” I declare over the Church, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING.” I declare over the nation, “THIS IS NOT THE END, THIS IS YOUR GREATEST NEW BEGINNING!” Miracles, miracles, miracles in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

This hard, dry, season we have been in is not our end, it is our great beginning!

Learn more about Lana Vawser here.