The Father is Leading Us to Worship in a New Way – Part 4

Our Father’s Transforming Power

“Some of you are limiting yourselves based upon your earthly lineage. Some of you are forgetting that He created your spirit. Though you may have all these curses in your family lineage, you are limiting Him from breaking through in your spirit to break off everything in your earthly lineage. When we pray, ‘Our Father who art in heaven,’ we are saying three things; He has a realm and scope that we’re honoring. We are saying that He has a reign and power to rule in a way that nobody on earth has the power to rule. We are saying that He has a royal authority that brings you out of poverty. Even though you might have been on the wrong side of the tracks, He can seat you in the palace. I don’t think we think like this. I think we get bound in who we were, and daddy was, and grand-daddy was, and great-grand-daddy was. We get bound in all their mistakes. Then, we get bound in all our mistakes. But, there’s a different scope that God is calling you to. There’s a different power God has for you. There’s a different royalty that you are about to wear.” (Chuck Pierce)

“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.” (Matthew 6:9; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Repent for limiting the Lord.
  • Ask God to reveal Himself to you as Heavenly Father, full of power, full of Glory, able to break through all the attack of the enemy against you.
  • Say, “Father, who art in heaven.” Read what Chuck says about this statement above. Now, say it again and again until the revelation of the statement sinks in.
  • Acknowledge His reign and ruling power over your life.
  • Call for His reign and power to break through in the earth realm and in America in a new way.
  • Reject any curses in your family lineage and say, “Father, You have the authority to break all poverty off of my life—financial poverty, relational poverty, and spiritual poverty. I am no longer bound by the earthly sins and iniquities of my earthly fore-fathers. You are my Heavenly Father and I am now in the lineage of Jesus Christ.”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, glorious Heavenly Father, hallowed be Thy Name! Maker of all things, You still intimately care for me. Forgive my limiting of Your power in my life, due to my lack of revelation as to who You really are. I have allowed my view of earthly fathers and mothers, and my human lineage, to dictate my view of You. Reveal Yourself to me at a deeper level as Heavenly Father, full of power, grace and Glory! Heavenly Father, You are the one fighting for me. What can the devil do to me, if this is so? Father, who art in heaven. Father, who art in heaven. Father, who art in heaven! You rule! You reign! You are the Maker and You are the Breaker! You are the one bringing breakthrough to me and to my country! Hallelujah! My God reigns! You destroyed the power of past sin and iniquity when I made  Jesus my Savior and Lord. Father, You have the authority to break all poverty off of my life—financial poverty, relational poverty, and spiritual poverty. I am no longer bound by the earthly sins and iniquities of my earthly fore-fathers. You are my Heavenly Father and I am now in the lineage of Jesus Christ with all of the blessings and promises that salvation carries. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God’s royal power can break us free from our earthly lineage and curses!

Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.