Transition Series – Lean Heavily on His Word

When you are going through a time of change, you need to do more of the basics. Read your Bible. It’s not the time to do a study of eschatology or deep doctrinal study. Just go back to the basics. It’s very important to send time in the Word when you are in a decision-making process. Jesus said, “The words I speak to you are spirit and life.” He will cause His words to come alive and speak to you. They will become living words and will lead you. They may lead you directly, or they may simply do something in your heart that will cause you to be able to hear. When you read a verse, it may jump off the page at you. The Word may so feed your spirit and strengthen your inner man that you gain an ability to hear that you didn’t have before.

There’s an interesting verse in John 8:37 where Jesus is being challenged by the Pharisees. He said, “You are trying to kill me, because my word has no place in you.” What it literally says in the Greek is, “You’re trying to kill me, because My word is making no progress in you.” He was trying to feed them and give them enough Word that, if they had accepted it, it would have progressed in them and transformed them. They would have known the will of God. Their mindsets would have changed, and they would have gone the right direction. We kill the process of the Lord in our lives when the Word makes no progress in us. We kill the process of change. We kill transformation and sanctification. We kill revelation.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Oh, fall in love with the Bible all over again. Hold it in your hands and thank God for your Bible—His written, eternal Word.
  • Pray and ask God where to start reading. If you are not sure you are hearing Him clearly, just start reading—John, Mark, and the Psalms are good places to start.
  • If you are in a season of trauma or recovering from such a season, let His Psalms minister to you. Psalm 4, 23, 24, 91, and 145 are great. Read them out loud and let the words wash over your spirit and heal your heart and mind.
  • Our nation is in a violent transitionary period and it needs clear direction. Washington, D.C., leaders need prayer and wisdom. The border situation needs pray. Abortion and the funding of it are being unravelled, so keep interceding and decreeing! Pray passages of scripture over President Trump, his Cabinet members, and those in Congress. If you’re not sure who the key players are, just look at any news source and pray what you see. God wants to intervene in the affairs of men.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I love Your Word! When I am in a troubled place, not sure which way to turn, please don’t let me forget Your Word. You have written words of life in there for me. Lead me to the exact right passages I need today, Holy Spirit. Show me what I need to know about God today. Heal all trauma, doubt, unbelief, and any other thing that would keep me from reading the words of life that are there. Let the Psalms speak healing to me. Let John and Mark and other passages in the New Testament give me hope and faith and boldness. Show me any blocks to hearing You, strengthen my inner man, and give me clear direction. Lord, our nation needs direction, also. We are facing really tough problems with unclear and complicated answers. There’s a lot of fighting between political leaders, so not much is getting done. Give me scripture to use like a sword, powerful words that cut between the desires and thoughts of men, and usher in Your heart and plan. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

“The word of God is a double-edged sword.It will judge the desires and thoughts of our hearts, and we will gain wisdom and direction when it does.”