God will “Do” What He Says He Will Do

In Numbers 23, the enemies of God’s prophet are trying to get the prophet to speak a curse over Israel. The prophet went to the Lord and said, “What do You say about this?” Instead of releasing a curse through the prophet, He released a blessing. The enemy was upset and said, “Go back and try again.” The prophet went back again and God released a blessing again. This time, God had the prophet go back and say, “God is not man that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He not said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?” “Do” is the word “asah”. God is saying, “I am going to create a blessing over Israel with My Word. When the enemy tries to curse you, I am going to prophesy and reverse his words. I’m going to release a blessing over you. I’m going to “asah”—create, accomplish, perform—blessing over you, and everywhere the enemy tries to curse you, Holy Spirit is going to hover over you and birth what I say!”

“God is not like people, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever He promises, He does; He speaks, and it is done.” (Numbers 23:19; GNT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • If you have found yourself in any way cursing this nation, take a few minutes and repent. God loves this land He established for His purposes.
  • Intercede for all those Believers who are speaking curses into the national scene either out of anger or out of fear. Ask God to forgive them, because they don’t know they are cursing America. They are not asking God what He wants to say over the nation.
  • Ask God what He wants you to say, speak, and prophesy over the United States. Use His Word and bless this land. You can even just say, “God, bless America!”

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I humble myself before You and ask Your forgiveness for every critical word I have spoken over this nation, its government leaders, and its people in general. This country belongs to You. You established it and You are blessing it, not cursing it, so let my words and attitude line up with Your heart for it. Forgive my Christian brothers and sisters who are in the same boat. We are far too casual with our words. We need to seek You for what You want said, then speak those words with confidence. We can even quote scripture over the nation. (Ask Him and do this.) We can even simply say, “God, bless America!” Amen.

Today’s decree:

God will create as His people speak His blessings over the United States!