New Faith-filled Intercessory Movement

“God is calling forth a fresh intercessory movement. This movement that God is calling now unlocks and establishes the apostolic strength of the Church for the future. So, not only will the Church be led apostolically, it will cause the gaps in this land to be addressed. The Lord says we will be sent into gaps to stand and address places where there are deficiencies. We’ll address gaps where religion has trumped ‘Kingdom’. We will start addressing gaps where bloodshed has happened and it will not longer be able to rule. Racism will be addressed. We will heal the gap of wealth deficiencies and systemic poverty. ‘I say to you, you are moving in a new dimension.’ We must have a new dimension of faith rising up in us. There’s a new faith element. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of the Lord. In the place of intercession, we will hear His voice. He will tell us simple things. Even that simple thing raises our faith.” (Chuck Pierce)1

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 12:22; GNT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Consider the gaps in America – racism, wealth, poverty, Kingdom expansion, adoption as an option to abortion, political ideologies, and any others the Lord shows you.
  • Choose an area that strikes the cords of your heart. Commit to intercede in that gap.
  • Cry out to God for the faith to believe that gap can be healed in the U.S.
  • Ask God for scripture verses to pray.
  • Do you have the faith for God to download solutions to you? Are you one with a position to act and effect Kingdom change in your realm of influence? If so, ask for the finances and open doors to do so.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, our nation has serious gaps. As an intercessor, I stand in the gap today between what is and ought to be. You see the needs of the U.S., Lord. You know the answers. You can tell me how to pray. Teach me what I need to know in the natural and from Your Word. Show me how to pray. Give me scriptures that address the specific area you lay on my heart to intercede into. I want to be a healer of the breaches. Increase my faith to bring Kingdom answers into the earth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

The faith of the intercessors will heal the “gaps” in our nation!

1 Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.