The Ekklesia’s New Level

One of the great shifts in process within the Body of Christ is regarding our role as Christ’s ekklesia (church). Most of you probably know that in Christ’s day, the word did not mean a religious service, organization, or building; it was a legislative assembly. We are “representatives” of Christ’s Kingdom government on earth. Certain streams of the body of Christ have functioned well as His family and bride. Few of us, however, have operated at a high level as His ekklesia. Binding and loosing, opening and closing spiritual doors, releasing heaven’s decrees to earth—these governmental functions have occurred only at fairly low levels. This is about to change. The turnaround for America is only part of God’s plan for this gathering. One prophecy concerning the upcoming Turnaround conference stated that the worldwide prayer movement will be launched into its next phase. Functioning as Christ’s ekklesia IS that new phase! The Church is about to move into a completely new level of enforcing kingdom rule and the will of God on earth. (Register for the LiveStream by clicking on TICKETS here.)

“Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10; GWT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Ask God for increasing revelation of what it means to be the Ekklesia – God’s called out assembly of those who will legislate on His behalf.
  • See yourself seated with Christ above the situations you are facing that need God’s miraculous intervention. Believe that He wants you to win your faith battles! Ask Him for a scripture to use as your sword. Decree His Word into the situation.
  • Do the same over a national issue. Decree abortion ended or the that abortion providers will be defunded. Decree that righteous judges will rule in our courts.
  • Decree that plots and plans against President Trump will be uncovered. Decree that governmental deeds done in darkness will get into the light and be exposed and prosecuted.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, give me a greater revelation of how to operate as a part of your Ekklesia. I know I am meant for more than attending church on Sunday. I want to partner with You to see Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give me a scripture to use to decree into this situation I’m facing. (Tell Him about it, listen for the Word and declare it out loud.) (Choose a national issue and do the same.) The enemy is going to have to loosen his grip on American government. I decree that our President and his family is safe from harm. Expose every one of his enemies, Jesus. Cause every plan conceived in darkness against him to be exposed to the light. Use the media. Have those who worked in government offices come forth with what they know. We call for justice! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Church is about to enforce Kingdom rule in America!