Unity Commands the Blessing

A godly remnant of white and black Christian intercessors, revivalists and abolitionists prayed into being the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings. Had it not been for their prayers, slavery would have never ended. I’m looking for those who would dare to believe that the same God wants to release another outpouring today and end many of our societal ills. Together, let’s unite in prayer and contend for revival in our day, and reformation in our lifetime. (Will Ford, III)

“And all the sons of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the Lord came on the temple, and they bowed their faces low to the ground on the pavement, and they worshiped, confessing, ‘The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever.’” (2 Chronicles 7:3; MEV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Prayer is much more than just talking to God. Prayer is partnership with God. Ask the Lord to grant you grace to be a part of a unified army of intercessors praying fervent prayers for revival in our nation.
  • Ask the Lord to raise up God-fearing, praying reformationists once again! We need this level of intervention to set our nation back on His track.
  • Pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit on the Church in America. Pray, Church, pray!

A prayer you can pray:

Jesus, I want to be a part of Your army of intercessors, praying in unity with other Believers who share a desire to see a fresh wind of revival sweep America! Our nation is so far from You. We have so many seemingly insurmountable national sins. We need a reformation, Lord; another Great Awakening! Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Today’s decree:

We will get up and pray in unity together and we will see revival in our day and reformation in our lifetime!