Racism in America – Ota Benga (Part 1)

“Author Madison Grant was one of the co-founders of the American Eugenics Society and an officer of the New York Zoological Society. ‘In 1906, he authorized an exhibit at the Bronx Zoo in which a 22-year-old African named Ota Benga was kept in a cage and displayed in the monkey house. Sharing the cage with Benga was an orangutan. A local clergyman who protested the exhibit said it was clearly intended to be a demonstration of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Proponents of Darwinism apparently agreed, and labeled the display educational.’ It was reported that over 40,000 people came to the Bronx Zoo to see Ota Benga one weekend. He was deemed nothing more than a pet monkey in a twisted social science project.” (Will Ford III)1

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Identificationally repent for the racial sins of our forefathers in America. Do not dismiss this if you feel you are not racist. Racism is rampant in America. Let Holy Spirit bring up real emotion – anger, disgust, grief, repentance, love.
  • Learn more about Eugenics. Decree that its roots will dry up in America.
  • Commit to the Lord that you will immediately address any open signs of racism you hear or observe, especially within the Church.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, forgive us and the sins of our nation. The racial divide in the United States appears to be widening. It could be that it was this wide all along and You are simply fully uncovering it at this time in history, so that it can be healed. The story of Ota Benga made me physically ill. My heart broke reading how this young man was treated. It is hard to comprehend how anyone could treat another human being this way, but this mindset still manifests daily in this nation. God, help us! Teach us about the evil root of Eugenics, Lord. Take Your ax to the root of racism in the USA. Let the love of God consume us in its place. Make me an instrument of Your love and peace for all men, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the deep root of American racism will be uncovered and will yield to the intercession of the Saints.

1 Learn more about Will Ford III here.

Learn more about Eugenics at http://www.maafa21.com/.