Praying for Our Military: Reversing the Infringement of Freedom of Religion

“Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof………”.   – First Amendment to the US Constitution

“Congress intended that every American would be free to believe what they chose and live according to their individual faith. More importantly, that Americans would also be free to speak about and live their individual faith without fear of repercussions. All faiths are welcome in this nation, as long as their faith does not threaten or conflict with the US Constitution. Those founding Fathers guaranteed future generations the freedom of religion, including the young men and women in the US military. They, more than most citizens, defend the freedoms of all Americans. Today, the religious liberties of military members are being infringed. Chaplains are being disciplined for praying in the name of Jesus, and individual service members of all services are suffering harassment and disciplinary action for living their faith openly. Low morale results from the infringements, and consequently, retention and recruitment of good people is problematic.” (General Jerry Boykin)1

So then, my friends, because of God’s great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.” (Romans 12:1; GNT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Pray for leaders who support the 1st Amendment rights of service members.
  • Ask God to bring about a spiritual renewal and revival within the Armed Forces.
  • Pray for new DOD Directives that make clear that individual religious liberty will be protected.
  • Pray that all Christian military chaplains will be free to share and propagate the Gospel.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we ask that You help our leaders to fully support the guarantee of the First Amendment rights of our service members. Pour our spiritual renewal and revival among the ranks. Shift the DOD Directives to allow for individual religious liberty and that it be protected by law. Restore the freedom military chaplains have had and need to have to minister the Gospel freely in their service to this country. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that the Lord is restoring religious freedom to the military and it shall lead the way to freedom of religion in many other areas of American society!

Learn more about General Jerry Boykin here.