Keep It In Context

“The way Evangelical Christians interpret the Bible is very similar. Seminarians are taught not to take Scriptures out of context, but to discern what the author intended to communicate and what the original audience understood the message to be. This is absolutely critical; otherwise any culture or speaker with charisma could twist the Word of God to their own meaning.” (Dave Kubal)1

“I will pour out my vengeance on all the nations that refuse to obey me.” (Micah 5:15; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Intercede for our government leaders would understand they are held accountable by God.
  • Pray that lawmakers and those in the judicial branch would interpret the Constitution in the context of which it was written.
  • Pray that the “audience”, the people of the United States, would demand that this be the case.
  • Command that any twisting of the Constitution for self-seeking would stop.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we pray that our government leaders would take very seriously the offices they were elected to. Help them understand that Your Word says they have been placed in office by You and that You expect them to act in ways that protect the nation and the foundations of the government, according to Your design. We ask that our lawmakers and judges would interpret the Constitution in the context it was written in and not see it as simply a historical document. Make its foundation firm. We decree that the twisting of the words of the U. S. Constitution would cease! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that this nation will obey the Lord and His plan and His ways for this country He designed.

1 Learn more about Dave Kubal here.